Archive for April, 2012

…Packing off on holidays…!

April 18, 2012

…So, it’s holiday season for the family.  We have zeroed in on Club Mahindra’s floating cottages on the Ashtamudi backwaters in Kerala to spend our next seven days starting Saturday, the 21st April.  Hope to do some live blogging from my holiday destination too, since it’s my own way of unwinding…The waters, the breeze, the ambience and the cooing birds (hope they are there aplenty) should form a nice backdrop to stir the connoisseur and the casual writer in me.

But right now, it’s not exactly about the vacation.  It’s the anxiety of packing as I keep adding to my check list. Camera charged ? Check. Cell phone chargers packed in..?  Check.  Food coupons carried..?  Check. Swimsuits..?  Check. Cash and Credit cards..? Check.  This is the trouble if you are not just a holiday freak, but are hell bent on giving the family a great time.  If my daughter creases her forehead even once ( ” Papa, we forgot the chargers home, I can’t text my friends..!), it’s enough to screw the holiday fun.  I see them happy and I am thrilled to bits.

What’s adding to the tension is my ever vigilant wife who is taking the flight only on the D day.  Normally if she travels with us, I don’t have to worry about these chores. That’s been her department ever since we got married and my task was simple – Just look ahead to the vacation…Period.

Thank you, Meenakshi…Haven’t said that in a long time…Have I…?